Medicare Guide

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In our effort to keep you informed, we’re happy to offer Medicare Made Simple, an exclusive guide to Medicare for the benefit of our clients and website visitors. In Medicare Made Simple we outline the four parts to Medicare: Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C), Medicare Part D (prescription drug plans), and Medicare supplement insurance (or Medigap plans). The guide provides an overview of Medicare Part A and Part B coverage, and goes on to answer key questions about eligibility, choice of doctors and hospitals, claims, and enrollment.

For a full screen version, click here. Otherwise, please scroll down to see the guide below.

Medicare Made Simple 2012

If you’d like further information, please visit our Learning Center or call us toll-free at 877-413-1556. We know how difficult and confusing it can be to walk the Medicare maze, but MedicareMall is eager to lead you every step of the way. With over two decades’ experience shopping the market for the best plans to meet our clients’ health care needs, we’re ready to assist you.

Contact MedicareMall now and one of our expert agents will be happy to answer any questions you may have about qualifying, enrollment, prescription drug plans, or any other aspect of Medicare and Medicare supplement plans.