Medicare Preventive Services

Diabetes Supplies

Many adults, diagnosed during childhood or early adulthood with Type 1 (juvenile-onset) diabetes, have been dealing with the condition most of their lives.

They’ve dealt with the symptoms—thirst and hunger, fatigue, frequent urination, loss of feeling in the feet, and more—and gotten accustomed to the daily injections, careful diet, and frequent monitoring normally associated with treatment of Type 1 diabetes.

Other adults—those with Type 2 (adult-onset) diabetes—may have no family history of diabetes, and were diagnosed with the condition much later in life. In many cases, diagnosis came as a result of Medicare-covered screening, and early detection made it a lot easier to make healthy changes and necessary adjustments to help minimize the effects of diabetes.

Diabetes Supplies

If you are a Medicare recipient dealing with diabetes, Medicare covers blood sugar testing monitors, blood sugar test strips, lancet devices and lancets, blood sugar control solutions, and, in some cases, therapeutic shoes.
Insulin is covered if used with an external insulin pump.

Under Original Medicare (Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B) you will pay 20% of the Medicare-approved amount after the yearly Part B deductible for these diabetic supplies.

Many Medicare Advantage Plans also provide assistance with diabetes supplies. Since coverage can vary from company to company and area to area, you should investigate the coverage your plan provides.

Although Medicare supplement insurance does not cover diabetes supplies, people with Medigap (Medicare supplement insurance ) plans can get assistance through Medicare Plan B. For further information, consult page 41 of the official US government Medicare handbook, Medicare & You.

Medicare Part D (prescription drug plans) may provide coverage for insulin, syringes, and some oral diabetic drugs.

Few things are more important than Preventive Services when it comes to maintaining your health. Medicare can go a long way toward providing the preventive care you need to stay healthy—if you have the experience and knowledge to take advantage of it.

Contact MedicareMall now and let us save you money and lead you with confidence through the Medicare maze!