Sound Judgment Is Your Best Protection (Part 2)

As millions of seniors are evaluating their 2013 healthcare options during the 2012 Medicare Open Enrollment Period (OEP), there are scammers trying to cash in.

Fortunately, you don’t have to be a victim of Medicare scams. Simply keeping on your toes and exercising sound judgment should be more than enough to ensure you enjoy a scam-free Open Enrollment Period.

If someone knocks on your door and tells you he or she can save you big money with an offer that’s good only during Open Enrollment, listen no further.

Report the incident at once to 1-800-MEDICARE or file a Medicare fraud and abuse report. No one representing Medicare will ever come knocking on your door, and any private company selling Medicare supplement or Medicare Advantage plans in that manner would be violating ethical practices by doing so. Don’t even talk to these people if they come calling.

If you get a phone call claiming you’ll lose your Medicare benefits unless you join a prescription drug plan (PDP) during Open Enrollment, hang up immediately and report the call.

PDP enrollment is 100% voluntary and anyone claiming otherwise is a scam artist.

If you get a phone call claiming that new Medicare cards are about to mailed out, hang up immediately.

KOTA Radio reports about such a scam taking place in South Dakota, with seniors asked to provide Medicare account information in order to make sure funds were going into the correct accounts. Never provide Medicare account information to anyone requesting it over the phone. The same goes for your birthdate, Social Security number, and your bank account number. Hang up the second you smell a rat—and never give the rat the information he wants! Exercising sound judgment in this way will ensure you’ll never be one of those unfortunate victims of telemarketing scams.

Stay protected by exercising sound judgment … and by contacting MedicareMall to learn which Medicare supplement or Medicare Advantage plans can provide the healthcare protection that’s right for you!

Click Here to Read More Tips on How to Avoid Medicare Scams
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