If you are covered by Original Medicare alone and have not learned a tough lesson yet, consider yourself fortunate.
The lesson is that that Medicare was never designed to cover 100% of your healthcare costs. For people wanting the sort of comprehensive coverage that can see them through a health crisis, Original Medicare is not enough.
If you depend on Original Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B alone, gaps in your Medicare coverage will be evident sooner than you realize. You will be responsible for the Medicare Part A deductible, which in some cases you can be obligated to pay several times a year. You will also be responsible for the Medicare Part B deductible, the 20% coinsurance for your Part B charges, and more.
All the out-of-pocket costs associated with Original Medicare can play havoc with your budget. That is why people who want to be prepared for whatever might come their way often choose Medicare Advantage plans.
Also called Medicare Part C plans, Medicare Advantage plans are offered by Medicare-approved private companies to people in Laredo and all across the Lone Star State. If you are already enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B, you have the option of replacing your Part A and Part B coverage with similar coverage provided by your Part C plan. But that is where the similarity ends because Medicare Advantage can go much further by adding prescription drug coverage and protection in areas where Original Medicare leaves you defenseless. Medicare Advantage plans go hand-in-hand with recent improvements in Medicare preventive services by requiring no cost-sharing in most cases for Medicare-covered preventive services including mammograms and prostate exams. Medicare Advantage plans also typically cover annual physical exams.
MedicareMall is your number one source for Laredo Medicare Part C plans.
MedicareMall serves Medicare-eligible people in the Gateway City and throughout Texas who do not want to take their chances with Original Medicare coverage. If you have any questions about Medicare Advantage plans available in the Laredo area, our licensed, bonded Medicare Advantage representatives will be happy to provide the information you are looking for.
Once you are enrolled, Medicare will pay a fixed amount for your care each month to the company offering your Medicare Advantage plan. Although every company offering Medicare Advantage plans is required to follow rules set by Medicare, companies retain considerable flexibility when it comes to
setting out-of-pocket cost requirements, and costs can be unpredictable. But with MedicareMall in your corner, you are certain to get the best coverage possible at the very best price.
Get a free Medicare Advantage quote today!
While some people prefer the greater flexibility that Medicare supplement plans offer, Medicare Advantage may be exactly what you are looking for if you intend to depend primarily on network doctors in your area. If you are unsure which Medicare Advantage plan is right for you, contact MedicareMall now and we will help you find the best Laredo Medicare Advantage plans to suit your needs and your budget.
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