Search results for: medicare supplement
Statute of Limitations on Unpaid Medical Bills
If you are among the millions of Americans plagued by unpaid medical bills, here is what you need to know about how those unpaid bills can affect you, and about the statute of limitations on creditors’ ability to take you to court.
Animal Lovers … What About those Birds and Reptiles?
In recent posts discussing the benefits of having pets, we’ve concentrated mainly on pets we know many of our readers and subscribers have—particularly, cats and dogs.
Discharge Planning from a Hospital or Nursing Home
An important part of hospital or nursing home care involves preparing for the day a patient will leave the facility. Preparing for discharge is a process that should not be delayed. The most effective preparation begins early and continues until a patient is discharged from a hospital or nursing facility. According to the Center for […]
Breakfast May Help Reduce the Risk of Heart Attack
While previous reports had drawn connections between skipping breakfast and such conditions as obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes, results of a Harvard study published in the American Heart Association journal Circulation suggest the habit of skipping a morning meal increases the risk of heart attack.
Animal Lovers … What About those Dogs?
In a recent post, we paid tribute to our cat-loving readers and subscribers who have uploaded some captivating photos of their feline companions.
Animal Lovers … What About those Cats?
Judging from the number of our readers and subscribers who upload pictures of their precious cats, there’s an excellent chance you’re a cat lover.
Affordable Care Act in Plain English—New Focus on Prevention
In a recent post, we began a plain-English discussion of what key provisions of the Affordable Care Act of 2010, a.k.a. Obamacare, are all about, and especially how they may affect Americans in general and people of Medicare age in particular.
Affordable Care Act in Plain English — Accessibility and Affordability of Health Insurance
If you’ve made an effort to read through the Affordable Care Act of 2010—which is changing the face of American healthcare as we speak—you’ve probably noticed it’s not nearly as reader-friendly as it could be.
Prescription Drugs—Why Do We Spell it Rx?
Rx. Most of us know that’s the symbol representing prescriptions and prescription drugs.
Power Walking for Heart Health and Endurance
We began an earlier post on cardio fitness workouts by pointing out, “About two-thirds of Americans over 50 are overweight, and many overweight, older Americans are prime candidates for heart disease.”