Senior Living Blog

Medigap Insurance Coverage

March 10, 2011

In case you were wondering…

We’re always telling you Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans fill the gaps that Medicare leaves out, but you may be wondering just what those gaps are.

Medigap Insurance Coverage

Medicare is a great health care system created by the government, but let’s face it sometimes it just falls short. Let’s go over some of the important aspects of senior health insurance that Medicare leaves out.

The Big Three
Deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments are three types of costs you will generally encounter with Medicare. For example, if you have Medicare Part B, 80% of the coinsurance associated with Medicare Part B will be covered under Original Medicare, but the remaining 20% is left up to you. Medigap insurance coverage options include benefits which help you pay for the big three.

Dental Care
Medicare is tricky about dental coverage, but for the most part very little is covered. A general rule of thumb is that if the dental procedure is medically necessary, Medicare will provide coverage. If have you a disease like oral cancer, you may require a procedure involving the jaw or mouth. In this case the Medicare offers a Medicare approved amount of coverage and you won’t have to pay the entire bill on your own.

Most people, however, need dental procedures for things like dentures, crowns, and periodontic (gums) care. Thus senior dental insurance is born. Senior dental insurance plans are catered to meet the needs of individual seniors’ oral heal.

Hearing Aids
Hearing tends to get harder as we age, but surprisingly Medicare does not offer any benefits for hearing aids. Medicare beneficiaries can receive coverage for a prosthetic device to aid hearing, but a traditional hearing aid needed by most seniors is not included. There are senior hearing plans, which with hearing aid costs.

To get more information about Medicare Supplement Insurance planstalk to one of our Medigap plan representatives today or use our instant quote below.

Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans Quote