Senior Living Blog

Medigap Health Plans

April 13, 2011

Super Savings

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no it’s Medicare Max saving another Medicare beneficiary from paying too much for senior health insurance.Medigap Health Plans

Max is a Medicare Supplement Insurance agent who helps out by providing important information to seniors who are affected by the holes left by original Medicare. Today’s blog entry follows a typical day in the life of our unsung hero, Medicare Max.

Norma calls in about her Medicare Part A coverage. She says she’s aware that Medicare pays 80% of coinsurance for hospitalization, but the remaining 20% is what’s troubling her. If she racks up $100,000 in medical expenses, that means she must pay a deductible and $20,000 out of pocket. Max jumps in with a solution. He informs her that most Medigap plans cover some if not all the of the Medicare Part A deductible. He also tells her the Medigap Insurance would take care of that remaining 20% for her.

Bill calls in concerned about skilled nursing care. He understands that Medicare pays for this type of care, but only offers full coverage up to 20 days. Max tells Bill that a Medigap policy can generally extend this coverage passed those initial 20 days. Most Medicare Supplemental Insurance will pay skilled nursing coinsurance for up to 100 days.

The next call comes from Harry who loves to travel. He tells Max that he feels grounded because if an emergency arises in a foreign country, he wouldn’t be able to pay for the associated costs. Max explains the Medigap Plans C, D, F, G, M, and N all cover foreign travel emergency. Harry listens as Max describes the lowest plans with that benefit available in Harry’s local area. After Harry fills out his Medigap Plan F application, he is finally ready to start planning his next vacation.

To get more information about Medicare Supplement Insurance planstalk to one of our Medigap plan representatives today or use our instant quote below.