Senior Living Blog

Supplemental Insurance for Medicare

May 11, 2011

National Osteoporosis Awareness Month

Supplement Insurance For Medicare


May marks the month for National Osteoporosis Awareness. This disease affects 1.3 million Americans each year. Seniors 65 and older are at prime risk Osteoporosis, which is the thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density over time.

According to the Nation Osteoporosis Foundations, risk factors for this disease include:

      • The good news is Medicare provides you with services to help fight this disease. It used to be that patients on Medicare would have to be 20% of the bill for a bone density screening. Medigap Insurance would usually cover this amount, but as of January 1st, this test is fully covered under Original Medicare.are age 50 or older
      • are a woman
      • have a family history of broken bones
      • have a personal history of broken bones
      • are White or Asian
      • are small-boned
      • have low body weight (less than about 127 pounds)
      • smoke or drink a lot
      • have a low-calcium diet

So in the spirit of National Osteoporosis Awareness month, go get checked out. Medicare has made it easy for you and having your bones in good health is something you should never take for granted. If you have any questions about how your insurance will work with preventive screenings contact one of our Medicare Supplement Insurance agents.

To get more information about Medicare Supplement Insurance planstalk to one of our Medigap plan representatives today or use our instant quote below.

Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans Quote