Senior Living Blog

Get Medigap

May 18, 2011

Fear of the Unknown


What do you think women over 50 are most concerned about? You’d be surprised.

Get Medigap

According the lifestyles expert and author at the Huffington Post, Barbara Hannah Grufferman, women over 50 are fretting about finances more than unwanted wrinkles. Grufferman finds that the most common concern among women over 50 is “the fear of not having enough money as they get older.” As a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans resource, an obvious solution to managing your expenses is to enrolling in a Medigap policy.

All the deliberation in Washington leaves everyone concerned about the future of Medicare and senior health plans. Women over 50 are especially worried about the issue as they approach Medicare age.

It is a more important time than ever to start planning for retirement.

Fortunately, if you are over 55, any changes made to the Medicare system shouldn’t affect you. The key is saving, but don’t be afraid to make an investment if it seems financially beneficial in the the grand scheme of things. For example, many of our clients are initially hesitant to purchase a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan because of the premium cost.  As with any insurance, however, if your health takes a turn for the worst, you’ll pay nothing out of pocket. Your health condition is often difficult to plan for, but Medigap makes this planning process less stressful.

The moral of the story is that women over 50 can take some of the worry out of retiring by planning with Medigap.

Original Medicare helps with some health related expenses, but those expenses can get steep depending on the severity of a health issue.

To get more information about Medicare Supplement Insurance planstalk to one of our Medigap plan representatives today or use our instant quote below.

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