Senior Living Blog

Medigap News

June 14, 2011

This Week in Medicare…

Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans

The follow is a wrap-up of stories in the news about Medicare, Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans and Medicare Prescription Drug Plans:

Aetna, a nationwide health insurance company, plans to buy Genworth Financial Inc.’s Continental Life Insurance Co. for about $290 million. Aetna sees growth potential in the Medicare Supplement Insurance industry and plans to add about 145,000 Medigap Insurance customers with the deal.


House Speaker Newt Gringrich touched on Medicare in the GOP debate. He mentioned that the unfavorable nature of Paul Ryan’s voucher plan made it a shaky solution. He was quoted in saying, “If you can’t convince the American people it’s a good idea, maybe it’s not a good idea.”

Anthem Blue Cross was featured in the L.A. Times this morning. The Medicare Supplement Insurance provider is taking heat in California for charging a $15 convenience fee for paying monthly premiums with a credit card. The state of California deems it unconstitutional to charge more for using a credit card. A company spokesperson says that Anthem Blue Cross will monitor the situation for it’s Medigap insurance policy holders.

To get more information about Medicare Supplement Insurance planstalk to one of our Medigap plan representatives today or use our instant quote below.

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