Senior Living Blog

Annual Mammograms – What Every Woman Over 55 Should Know

September 18, 2012

But what if the mammogram shows something?

That makes it all the more important. Say you do pay close attention to your health and get your regularly scheduled checkup, and suddenly you face the terrifying circumstance that your mammogram does show cancer. The positive is that it is likely that the cancer is in its early stage, you’re in a position to begin treatment. Early detection reduces your risk of dying of breast cancer by 25-30% or more – and with all the recent advances in breast cancer treatment, your likelihood of beating breast cancer should only increase if the disease is detected early. As the National Cancer Institute reports, “the increase in breast cancer survival seen since the mid-1970s has been attributed to both screening and improved treatment.”

If your mammogram shows something suspicious, keep in mind that chances are it’s not cancer. Your heart may fall to the floor when you get called back for another test, but don’t be afraid. reports that about 10% of women getting mammograms will be required to get further tests. Of these, 10% or fewer will require biopsies. That means fewer than 1% of women getting mammograms will require biopsies – and four-fifths of those biopsies will turn up no cancer. It’s important to keep thinking positively.

Doesn’t It Hurt to Get a Mammogram?

Thanks to wonderful advances in technology, (aka a woman probably got around to building the device) there are softer, cushioned mammograms available to help minimize pain. Not all hospitals or imaging centers offer the softer mammogram, so you’ll probably want to ask about this before making an appointment for your annual mammogram.

Mammograms are the best tool for early detection of cancer.

Absolutely true – and early detection is everything when it comes to beating breast cancer. Did you know the American Cancer Society reports that when breast cancer is detected before spreading to the lymph nodes, the five-year survival rate is 98%?

What if I don’t have a regular doctor?

Talk to your gal friends and ask them where they go. Listen to their recommendations. It’s important to have a health care professional you trust in your corner. Make sure you’re comfortable sharing personal information with your doctor– and make sure he or she welcomes every one of your questions.

If you need help finding a mammography facility in your area, one option is to call the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345 for a list of locations.

Related: About Mammograms Page 3: It’s a perfectly safe procedure