Senior Living Blog

Senior Dental: Some Sobering Facts

October 1, 2012

Did You Know …

    •  90% of medical illnesses have some oral manifestation
    •  3% of cancer deaths in the US annually are the result of oral cancer
    •  Many lives lost as a result of avoiding the dentist could have been saved

Even if you don’t have your natural teeth, it’s important to see the dentist regularly. Your dentist is the best early detection system you have!

In between visits to the dentist, it’s important to practice good dental hygiene. Brushing twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste and flossing between teeth daily will help remove plaque and lower your risk of tooth decay, gingivitis, and other problems. Practicing good dental hygiene isn’t hard to do, and it’s likely to save you a lot of pain and money over the years.

If you notice any sudden changes in taste and smell, don’t wait until your next scheduled dental visit to bring them up. If you notice any unusual changes, you should contact your dentist without delay.

The same is true if you notice changes in your gums, on your tongue, with your teeth themselves. Your doctor may be the expert when it comes to heading off potential problems, but he or she can’t do it without you! If there’s anything you’re suspicious about, make a point of contacting your dentist if you’re not back to normal within a matter of days.

If you’re hesitant to contact your dentist with your concerns, that could be a signal that it’s time to find a new dentist. Like your physician, your dentist needs to be every bit as good a listener as you are.

 If you’re looking for dental coverage to help keep you healthy, why not call MedicareMall and learn about the Medicare Advantage, dental insurance, and dental discount options that can help you keep that winning smile and save you plenty of money in the long run?

Has a visit to your dentist ever saved you a ton of heartache that you otherwise would have suffered? If so, let us know about it in a comment below!

Senior Dental: Some Sobering Facts © 2012


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