Senior Living Blog

Fitness Tips For Seniors

October 31, 2012


Squeezing SpongeWhat for many people seems to be the bane of their existence can be an easy way to get on your feet, get your blood flowing, and burn a few calories. Sweeping floors, dusting shelves, picking up items, making beds, and even washing dishes are all routine actions that we usually do without thinking.

The good news is, if you put a little extra effort into each of these actions, you’ll see the calories burned begin to add up! Try folding your laundry while standing up instead of sitting down. Wash dishes by hand instead of using the dishwasher. Think of little changes that you can integrate and incorporate these into your day. Not only will your health increase, you’ll find that household chores fly by faster. Web MD has a handy calories-burned calculator that will help you keep track of your calories burned at