Senior Living Blog

Movember — A Month for Raising Awareness in the Fight Against Prostate Cancer

November 9, 2012

Man with Mustache and BeardMen who choose to sport mustaches during no-shave November are asked to register online. Donations to the fight against prostate and testicular cancer are also accepted online.

Chief recipients of donations to Movember are the Prostate Cancer Foundation and Livestrong. Since 2003 Movember has raised over $174 million worldwide for men’s cancer awareness. Last year about 145,000 American participants combined to raise over $15 million.

Testicular and Prostate Cancer

Testicular cancer, far less common than prostate cancer, is a disease many Americans aren’t even aware of. In 2012 about 8,500 new cases are expected in the United States, resulting in about 360 deaths. According to the National Cancer Institute, testicular cancer most often strikes young and middle-aged men.

Prostate cancer, meanwhile, more often strikes men of more advanced years.

Prostate cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among men over 75, and men over 60 are considered at high risk for prostate cancer.

Also at a high risk are African-American men and men who have fathers or brothers with prostate cancer.

Symptoms of prostate cancer can include delayed or slowed start of the urinary stream, dribbling or leakage of urine, straining when urinating, and the presence of blood in the urine or semen. These symptoms often do not show, however, until the later stages of prostate cancer. This underscores the importance of prostate cancer screening and early detection.

More than 240,000 new cases of prostate cancer are expected in the United States during this calendar year, and over 28,000 men are expected to die from the disease. But the good news is that more than 2 million American men consider themselves prostate cancer survivors.

Early screening is a key factor in increasing prostate cancer survival rates. Improved drugs, including Medicare-approved Provenge, have also helped many men become prostate cancer survivors.

Get the word out. It’s time to stamp out prostate and testicular cancer—and getting behind Movember during no-shave November is a great way to do your part.

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How have you chosen to get involved in the fight against prostate cancer this Movember? Leave a message letting us know!