Senior Living Blog

Chocolate May Reduce Risk of Stroke

November 10, 2012
Chocolate With Mint

Though it’s welcome news that it appears chocolate lowers risk of stroke, not everyone is quick to hop on the bandwagon.

“It’s very important for people to take the news on chocolate with a grain of salt,” said Dr. Richard B. Libman, vice chair of neurology at the Cushing Neuroscience Institute in Manhasset, New York.

Quoted in the Chicago Tribune, Libman went on to say, “You can’t start advising people to eat chocolate based on this. Think of the negative effects that could result, like obesity and type 2 diabetes.”

According to Reuters, Libman is unconvinced that flavonoids reduce the risk of stroke. Suggesting that the positive conclusion drawn from the Larsson study is only a theory, Libman suggested that even if someone wants to make sure flavonoids are part of his or her diet, there are much healthier foods in which to find them. Specifically, Libman listed apples, kale, broccoli, soy, tea, and nuts as alternative sources of flavonoids.

Yet Libman conceded that a modest amount of chocolate in the diet is not necessarily a bad thing. “Everything in moderation,” he suggested according to the Tribune report.

Which takes us back to what Larsson herself said. Her study showed that men aged 49-85 who consumed about a third of a cup of chocolate chips decreased their stroke risk by 17% compared to men of the same age group who consumed no chocolate. A previous study of women brought Larsson to a similar conclusion. “There’s definitely an association,” she said. Yet, like Libman, she warned, “I think it’s too early to give a recommendation about chocolate.”

If you’re like me, as far as chocolate goes you see the glass being half full. The message I’m getting is “Indulge. But don’t overindulge.”

chocolate chip cookieUnless you have specific health concerns requiring you to give up chocolate entirely, why not indulge … in moderation? Bake an occasional batch of chocolate chip cookies. Whip up some homemade Rocky Road. Or just chow down on that bar of Swiss chocolate you’ve had your eye on for months. After all, you only live once … and it just may be possible you’ll live longer if you satisfy that chocolate craving … in moderation.

Protect your senior health by consuming chocolate in moderation. Then go a step further by calling MedicareMall today to learn more about how Medicare supplement insurance or Medicare Advantage can offer protection Original Medicare can’t … at a cost that’s sure to suit your budget.

Please share your favorite chocolate recipe below!

Chocolate May Reduce Risk of Stroke © 2012