In addition to providing antioxidants to counteract tissue damage and toxins, berries offer a variety of other health benefits.
Berries are astonishingly high in fiber, which promotes a healthy GI tract and regular digestion. Today’sDietician.com explains, “Berries happen to yield one of the best fiber-per-calorie bargains on the planet. Since berries are packed with tiny seeds, their fiber content is typically higher than that of many fruits.” When we think of fiber, many of us probably picture twig-like breakfast cereals that taste more like sawdust than actual food. Fortunately, this myth is being combated as more people begin to realize the fiber-rich content of berries. But why is fiber so important? Not only does fiber positively impact digestive health — it also can lower your risk of developing colon cancer and heart disease.
Fiber can also aid in weight loss, as it generally gives people the feeling of being full for longer. Your body takes longer to digest fiber than it does simple sugars found in junk food such as a bag of chips or a pack of candy. Diets high in fiber can also help control blood sugar. Since berries are packed full of fiber while remaining low in calories, they are a solid snack choice for anyone who is trying to improve their overall diet and health.