Senior Living Blog

See What Medicare Covers With Free App

Let’s say you go for your annual physical and your doctor recommends that you get a hearing and balance test. Or an electrocardiogram (EKG). Or a Hepatitis B screening.  Does your Original Medicare cover these services? Now there’s a quick way to find out, using your smartphone or tablet.  It’s Medicare’s new “What’s Covered” app […]

February 20, 2019

Piggy Bank

How To Keep Your Medicare Costs Down in 2019

Most doctors accept Medicare as full payment for their services. But some accept it only for certain services, and others don’t accept it at all.

January 16, 2019

What You Need To Know About 2018 Medicare Part B Rates and IRMAA

If you have higher income, the law requires an adjustment to your monthly Medicare Part B (medical insurance) and Medicare prescription drug coverage premiums. Higher-income beneficiaries pay higher premiums for Part B and prescription drug coverage. This affects less than five percent of people with Medicare, so most people don’t pay a higher premium.

October 8, 2018

Medicare Card

Progress Update On New Medicare Cards

Here is an important update provided by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) as they continue to successfully mail newly-designed Medicare cards with the new Medicare Number. 

September 20, 2018

Do you plan to work after the age of 65? Here are 5 Medicare pitfalls to avoid:

Do you plan to work after the age of 65? Here are 5 Medicare pitfalls to avoid: Read More……  

July 9, 2018

Senior Group

Why The Most Popular Medicare Supplement Is Plan F

While there are ten different Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans to choose from, over 50% of seniors choose Plan F. Plan F has benefits that are not included in other plans.

July 3, 2018

pill bottle

The Most Expensive Prescription Drugs in America

The amount Americans spend on prescription drugs has nearly doubled since the 1990s, a 2017 government investigation found, meaning the United States spends the most of any high-income nation. List prices rose 6% over the past 12 months alone, according to the prescription website GoodRx. Medicare drug prices soared 10 times the rate of inflation.

May 30, 2018

Unseen face of the opioid epidemic: drug abuse among the elderly grows

The face of the nation’s opioid epidemic increasingly is gray and wrinkled. But that face often is overlooked in a crisis that frequently focuses on the young. Consider this: While opioid abuse declined in younger groups between 2002 and 2014, even sharply am… Read More… Powered by

May 29, 2018

2018 Medicare Changes You Need To Know

2018 has brought many new changes for Medicare patients. If you have a Medicare plan, you should be aware of these changes. Here are some of the biggest changes that you will see this year, including information and resources regarding new Medicare cards that will begin to be mailed out in April.

April 10, 2018

Medicare Card

What To Expect When You Receive Your New Medicare Card

If you are currently receiving Medicare benefits you have probably already received your new “Medicare & You 2018” Handbook in the mail. One of the biggest changes in Medicare for 2018, is noted right inside the front cover. Medicare will be sending out new Medicare cards to over 60 million people throughout the United States […]

January 24, 2018