Senior Living Blog

RX Symbol

Prescription Drugs—Why Do We Spell it Rx?

Rx. Most of us know that’s the symbol representing prescriptions and prescription drugs.

July 13, 2013

Dumbells for power walking

Power Walking for Heart Health and Endurance

We began an earlier post on cardio fitness workouts by pointing out, “About two-thirds of Americans over 50 are overweight, and many overweight, older Americans are prime candidates for heart disease.”

July 12, 2013

Reading with vision loss

E-Readers Can Keep You Reading Despite Vision Loss

Many seniors appear to have given up one of life’s great pleasures.

July 10, 2013

Why Do I Always Have a Runny Nose?

A persistent runny nose doesn’t usually sound like the most serious health problem anyone is likely to face.

July 9, 2013


Why Did Medicare Deny My Claim?

There is a perception that denied Medicare claims are on the rise, and evidence seems to bear that out.

July 8, 2013


Medicare Identity Theft – How to Protect Yourself

Identity theft has become a concern to countless Americans in recent years—and with one horror story after another having surfaced about possible breaches of personal privacy, Americans have every right to be concerned.

July 3, 2013

senior cardio

American Medical Association Recognizes Obesity as a Disease … What Does it Mean?

Last month at its annual meeting in Chicago, the American Medical Association (AMA) declared that obesity was a disease.

July 3, 2013

Oil Bananas

Potassium is a Key to Good Senior Health

Every health-conscious senior knows about the dangers of including too much sodium in the diet, and any serious effort at reducing the risk of high blood pressure and stroke has to include keeping sodium intake at a safe level.

June 10, 2013


Is the IRS Violating HIPAA Medical Record Privacy Laws?

In recent weeks the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has garnered plenty of publicity it would probably rather do without.

May 24, 2013

medicare claim number

What Do Those Extra Letters on Your Medicare Card Mean?

Your red, white, and blue Medicare card is a valuable resource, and the best evidence that you are enrolled in Medicare.

May 23, 2013