Senior Living Blog

Am I Required to Sign Up for Medicare When I Turn 65?

While you are not required to enroll in Medicare at age 65 or at any other time, it is advisable in the vast majority of cases to sign up for Medicare when you are first eligible to do so. For most people, Medicare eligibility begins at age 65, and the best time to enroll is […]

December 14, 2018

Avoid These Costly Medicare Mistakes

Countless seniors rely on Medicare to cover their healthcare needs in retirement. But contrary to what you may have been led to believe, Medicare isn’t free. In fact, if you’re not careful, you could end up spending far more on Medicare than what’s actually necessary, especially if you make one of the following errors.

January 11, 2018

The Newbies Guide to Medicare

Medicare is a mystery to many people, but it doesn’t have to be— so let’s cut right to the chase. Here is everything you need to know about all the parts, plans, and particulars that make up Medicare. History of Medicare Medicare, established in 1965 under the Social Security Act, is a federal government program […]

November 4, 2013

Senior Group

Is Medicare Mandatory at 65?

Enrollment in Medicare is entirely voluntary. You’re not required to enroll at age 65 or any other time. But when you think about it … why would you want to enroll at your earliest opportunity? 

January 27, 2013

PDP Premium Increases Predicted for 2013

September 25, 2012

Medigap Rates

Timing is Everything

March 19, 2011