Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is often confused with Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI or SSD). Although both of these programs administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA) have some similarities, it’s important to know one from the other.
Supplemental Security Income is designed to provide support to three key groups of people:
- Those over 65 with limited income
- Those of any age who are legally blind
- The disabled
Because disabled persons are among recipients of Supplemental Security Income, it’s natural that there’s been some confusion between SSI and Social Security Disability Insurance. In fact, disabled applicants for SSI typically apply for SDI, and both programs apply the same criteria to their decisions about whether applicants meet the requirements for disability.
For further information about disability, consult the SSA list of medical conditions that automatically qualify as disabling conditions here. You should be aware, however, that other conditions are equally acceptable as disabling conditions if the SSA determines they are as serious as conditions on the list. The same requirements apply whether you suffer from a condition on the list or from an equally serious condition not on the list.
Social Security Disability Insurance is a payroll-funded program to supplement the income of those unable to work due to disability. For an individual to be eligible for SSD, the disability must last for at least a year or be terminal. The disabled individual must also be under age 65 to be eligible.
To be eligible for SSD, individuals must have accumulated a prescribed number of Social Security credits (normally accumulated through work experience and payment into Social Security) during the 10 years immediately preceding disability. Requirements vary according to age, and those suffering disability before age 23 may be able to draw on their parents’ Social Security credits without affecting their parents’ eligibility for SSDI.
Such a track record of payments into Social Security isn’t required in order to qualify for SSI. Low income requirements for SSI recipients vary from state to state, but are set at such a level that SSI beneficiaries are automatically eligible for Medicaid in most states. Some states also add money to their residents’ SSI benefits.
If you’d like to know more about SSI or SSD, MedicareMall will be happy to discuss your circumstances and options. And, of course, if there’s anything you’d like to know about Medicare supplement insurance or Medicare Advantage, MedicareMall will be happy to answer those questions, too.
Contact MedicareMall now and we’ll make it our priority to see you get the coverage you need at a price you can afford.
Social Security Disability Conditions